How’s Your Indoor Air Quality?

Breathe Better and Live Healthier With the Right Solution

Today’s homes are more energy efficient than they’ve ever been. While this is great for saving energy and money, it’s not so great for your indoor air quality (IAQ). Sealing your home shut creates the perfect breeding ground for dust, mold, pollen and other indoor pollutants to settle and accumulate. Luckily, you can still reap the benefits of an energy-efficient home without breathing in dirty, polluted air. All you need is the right indoor air quality product for your home or business.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans, on average, spend 90 percent of their time indoors. In addition, the concentration of indoor air pollutants is often two to five times higher than outdoor concentrations. Without question, indoor air quality is a very relevant and important matter to address in today’s homes.

At Simpson Salute, we offer a range of IAQ products to remove the most prevalent and harmful pollutants from your indoor air. Some of the many systems we carry include:

  • Air scrubbers. These systems integrate right into your HVAC equipment to remove allergens, dust, dirt, bacteria viruses and other pollutants from your air. Anyone with breathing issues, chronic upper respiratory issues and allergy symptoms would benefit from an air scrubber.
  • Air cleaners. An air cleaner can remove bacteria, pollen, pet dander and other airborne pollutants that are as small as 0.01 microns. For context, one micron is 1/25,000 of an inch. So when we say these systems can remove the small stuff, we mean it! Air cleaners are classified according to their Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). The higher the MERV, the more efficiently the cleaner eliminates harmful airborne particles. We carry air cleaners that range from MERV 10 to MERV 15. We also offer High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration systems to help those suffering from severe allergies.
  • Humidifiers. We offer a range of Carrier humidifiers to keep your air within the proper humidity range. Doing so helps you feel warmer at a lower temperature, allowing you to save more on your energy bills.
  • Ventilators. If your indoor air feels stale or if you suffer from allergies, a ventilator can work wonders. These systems bring fresh air into your home while reducing odors and removing pollutants, such as smoke fumes.
  • UV lights. These systems use ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and mold spores that would otherwise circulate through your HVAC equipment and enter your living space.
  • Carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is extremely dangerous and often tough to detect. Fuel-burning appliances, such as furnaces, ovens and wood stoves, are all potential sources of carbon monoxide. We install leading carbon monoxide detectors that will keep you and your family safe 24/7.

How Do I Know Which IAQ System Is Right for Me?

Similar to purchasing an air conditioner or heater, there are many different IAQ systems to choose from. The question is: How do you know what’s right for you and your family? This is what our air quality specialists at Simpson Salute can help you answer.

It all starts with a free, on-site consultation at your home or business. We’ll ask all of the right questions and use our decades of experience to recommend the perfect solution. Ultimately, choosing the right system is going to depend on which pollutant(s) are present in your air, which symptoms you’re experiencing and a number of other factors. We’re here to guide you through this decision and ensure that your new system will be most effective in resolving your air quality-related issues.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality With the Experts

Think about how many breaths you take throughout the day (17,000 on average, according to the American Lung Association. With every breath you take, it’s important to ensure your air is as clean and safe as it can possibly be. Improving your indoor air quality is not only better for your health, but it also prolongs the life of your heating and cooling equipment. At Simpson Salute, there’s nothing we care about more than your safety. Turn to our IAQ experts to remove harmful pollutants from your air, find relief of your discomfort and have peace of mind that your air quality is right where it should be.

To schedule service for your home or business, contact us online or call Simpson Salute at 330.339.1177.


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